Guat - Guatemala City, Zoo

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Had a nice healthy breakfast of thin ginger pancakes with fresh strawberry preserve and fruit and café con leche and jugo naranja, Sabe Rico. Beautiful herb garden dining area. Tucked right next to Hotel Cortez y Larzza. Want to taste it all, choclate cookies and cranberry/macadamina truffels to go. Packing is a trick. Our new needed towels from the earth lodge are taking up space.

Thursday, February 26, 2009 Stayed at Aueropeurto Motel 300 yds from terminal. Ate at terminal, fried chicken.
Held up once at gunpoint in Guatamala City on a bus, but no problems otherwise.
Okay we went to the zoo saw many endangered species but not many people.
The zoo was large and well kept. My favorite was the stinky tree foxes and the lama in the ditch. Liza’s favorites were the marmosets. I am going to buy one for her because she is the best daughter in the world and they are just so cute. I didn’t want to spend $5 on a cab so we spent our last night in lovely Guatemala in our skanky hotel room.
Liza ordered us pizza because we would’ve died with out it.
Morning clerk, Breakfast of white bread butter and cheap jelly and coffee con leche, Liza complains bread is soggy from condensation, doesn’t eat.
Victor, Honduran, speaks English well. Spent 4 years in LA, enrolled at UCLA in philosophy, traffic stop resulted in his deportation.
Lives and maintains hotel. Smooth talker. Says area safe due to airport police next door.
The double electric razor wires outside is easily defeated with a blanket.
No no restaurants in area, other than terminal.
Was held up with gun to the head on a bus once, other than that takes on his few attackers.
Walks us to terminal…tip him $20 over his protestation “too much” telling him it is to make a payment on his deportation troubles.
I then get my shoes shines from a kid.
Guatemalans continue to be smiling and polite, not a dirty look.
Arrive in sunny clear warm Dallas.
Everyone seems to speak and understand English. AA terminal is new, we celebrate with a fancy lunch including chips and ice tea. Liza gets a pedicure…… I go find her with 30 minutes till flight leaves and she is still waiting for polish to dry.
Nice job. We are the last two to board with minutes to spare.

Next time trip:
Lighter, candles, deodorant soap, qtips, headlight, matches, check credit card company’s policies? Smaller laptop w/ lighted keyboard, postage stamps, envelopes, pens.
Particle mask, sleep aids, ear plugs, bandana, power strip, mirror, head lamps for each person, cups, Liza less clothes, earplugs, iPod, earplugs, eye shades. Spanish phrases needed for DoCare volunteers.
