Daiwa Sweepfire 4050 / Shimano 350 Bait runner
So many fishing reels makes and models, why?
"E" knowing I want to fish, came over with a shiny "new" rod and Daiwa reel. "Oh Boy" (way too early). E proclaims " These are practically new, see the price tag is still on it" scrapping some dirty old glue off the rod. Twiddling for five minute with the reel he gives up with "Some bastard broke this expensive reel, practically new, people are no good."
I say I'll take a look at it, thinking since it was new there couldn't be too much wrong. Wrong, the reel was old and abused. Looking online I see it is a budget reel , used in good working order $20. Still I might be able to fix it, I plow through google looking for " Daiwa Sweepfire 4050" not so easy, and finally come up with a pdf schematic. Uh maybe Ill take a pass on this.
At the "E" compound there are many cool fancy dilapidated things. And "E" is happy fellow as long as he doesn't focus on how old crap should be like new.
So a week later a Shiman 350 Baitrunner reel is presented. Old, but in good working order. My focus shifts dramatically , the Daiwa is relegated to the scrap pile. I google a surf-fishing hook & weight rig and tie one up on the Shimano Baitrunner. Now to get to a fishing beach, at high tide, with no or light breeze, and try it out. Been cold in the morning, but not as cold as snowy Portland OR.