Sunday, February 22, 2009
OK…here we are at the Earth Lodge, La Antigua, Guatemala.
A pickup met me up at Hotel Sin Ventura drove to the Hotel Cortez Y Larraz… and picked up bags and Liza.
Bidding adieu to Bob from the pickups wood bench seat we wound northerly through cobblestone to a winding uphill road. Wondering what we had gotten into as the truck turned off onto a dirt path the natural world closes in on us. 20 minutes later, reaching a dusty turnaround we see a pile of backpacks soon a group of shirt less and peasant dressed smiling skinny hippie’s pickup the bags The driver asks for his fee q20 as we stare down the dusty precipitous path. Looking at one another we wonder again what have we……… 250 meters later the dust turns into a beautiful ‘smooth’ cobblestone path, still steep. Greeted by a welcome sign we espy a gathering of huts spilling down the hillside. Glad we didn’t bring the Guichy and seeing the wisdom of backpacks we heft the ponderous Pullmans’ for the final descent down stone steps to ‘the compound’
Sunday 2/22/2009 6:43 PM
Waiting for our vegetarian dinner to be ready at 7PM.
Had a Bombay gin & Tonic at the bar Q18.
Sat on a wood chair lawn watching the city lights come on as the dogs wrestled at my feet.
Inside the dinner/lodge 4 are parlaying cards two playing Yatzee, 2 backgammon, comfortable full.
Liza reading and play brickbreaker, playing music on computer.
Wind blowing clouds from the North, twigs hitting the galvanized steel roof.
Then Liza beats me by one point in scrabble with a couple questionable 3 letter words